Weight Loss Tips - Do Not Count Calories For Quick Weight Loss

What comes to mind is "calories," when talking about weight gain or weight loss. How many people really understand what calories are?

A calorie is a unit of energy which is provided by oxidation of food - a process consisting of the chemical reaction of carbon and
hydrogen with oxygen to yield water and carbon dioxide. This oxidation supplies the body energy for warmth, movement and for other chemical reactions.

Usually most diet books tell us that calories consumed must equal the calories burned, otherwise a person tends to put on weight. A pound of body fat is about 3500 calories stored and supposedly, eating about 100 extra calories per day will cause weight gain of about one pound in a month. They also say that reversing this process will take off the added weight.

How easy and wonderful it would be, if only calorie reduction makes us fit and healthy. There would not be any fat people in this world.

The reason this is a false notion and the reason why there are so many people fighting weight loss in spite of admirable efforts, is because it all depends on individual metabolism. It is not just what is eaten, but the specific physiological attributes of the person eating the food that matters.

Reducing caloric intake may work wonderfully for a person who has gained weight due to laziness, inactivity or even excess food consumption. This may be the case with women during pregnancy and who need a little help losing weight afterwards.

What happens to those people that are genetically disposed to weight gain or even for those that have kept the weight for so long that they have experienced metabolic changes? For such people, counting calories is a futile effort.

Energy requirements for each individual, even if they are of the same sex, age and body composition may vary by almost 100%.
You must understand that the body constantly modifies its own energy expenditures in various ways depending on the changing supply of calories. This shows that counting calories may yield no results.
To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com
Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Sylvester

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