Lose weight without dieting

Although there are many diets that can help you lose weight but also make you feel hungry and deprived of food. For those who do not have time or inclination to have a crash diet, or press the gym, there’s good news. If you want healthy and lose weight without pain, try these strategies. After all, is not what you eat but how you eat.

 Chew more, eat less, studies show that the more time you spend chewing, fewer calories than you consume. Eraser and avoid overeating, so the time of the brains of the stomach is full signal is received. Not only is good for digestion, but also helps to reduce the size of the belly. Try to chew your food 35-50 times per mouthful.

No breakfast, no matter what time it is working, to avoid missing breakfast. There’s a reason why the most important meal of the day. Your body (and brain) expects to be refueled several times a day, so if you eat breakfast, you feel so hungry when you come for lunch, may overeat or choose foods that are healthier options. Missing breakfast slows the metabolism. Most importantly, always eat breakfast within an hour after waking, when body went without food all night.

When multitasking during meals, their brains are not geared to the amount of food for consumption and are more likely to accumulate on the pounds. This does not mean you cannot eat a meal with friends. This can be done, but only to point out what in your mouth!

Do not cook food from the food from sticking reduces the number of deaths or a meal containing nutrients, and if you do not get enough nutrients, you are not satisfied and will soon begin hunger waste. To try prevents more raw foods like sushi and salads for lunch. Eat fruit on an empty stomach and clean the system offers a lot of energy to lose weight.

They have smaller meals more often ideal, you need five or six times a day to eat from 2:58 hours between each meal and snack. Food often and keep your metabolism working at high levels throughout the day. Do not use this principle as an excuse to overeat.

Avoid eating for the last twenty good foods to eat before eight o’clock. Thus, there is no land to binge on snacks for dinner. If it is hard to resist, some herbal tea or brushing teeth immediately after eating their attention away from the idea of ​​Changing the food.

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