3 Tips to Boost Your Weight Loss Progress

Weight loss can be a challenging task for almost everyone who needs to shed excess weight. The most difficult part of the process is simply starting. Most people start off by changing their diet and choosing an exercise program to follow. However, after several weeks, they may stop noticing any progress. It is easy for frustration to set in. Below are some tips that may help speed up progress or finally jump start your weight loss.

Interval Training - Unlike traditional exercise programs, interval training can actually help boost your metabolism, burn more calories, and maintain lean muscle. Best of all, it requires no exercise equipment and can be performed almost anywhere you have space. Unlike traditional cardio, you perform various body weight exercises back-to-back. You perform several repetitions of each exercise in a circuit with a short period of rest in between each round.

Exercise equipment is optional but the minimum amount needed are dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and an exercise ball. You can find several interval training routines on web sites like YouTube.

Clean Eating - What you eat will truly determine how much weight you will lose. A clean eating diet primarily means avoiding processed food. Processed food are those that are found in packages such as cans, boxes, etc. Any fast-food establishment is considered processed food. The main things to avoid are refined sugar, white flour, and table salt. There are books which outline this diet and it is not very difficult to follow.

Herbal Cleanse - An herbal cleanse is basically a detoxification process for the body. It is typically short in duration and many people have managed to lose between 10 - 50 pounds from performing an herbal cleanse. It usually consists of consuming herbal supplements and eating light meals consisting of salads. You also drink plenty of water. Be cautious of any detox that only includes liquids and those that last longer than 7 days. It can be a huge help for jump starting your weight loss.

Keep in mind that the above methods aren't meant for everyone. Doing your own research and seeking advice from your health care provider is always wise before starting a new diet or exercise program. While performing an herbal cleanse isn't required, changing your diet and exercise program may push you beyond any plateau you may have reached.

If interval training doesn't suit you, changing up your exercise routine every few weeks will keep your body challenged and help prevent weight loss plateaus.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Haines

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